Diesel forklift, also known as diesel fork loader, is a versatile industrial handling equipment. It is widely used in cargo loading, unloading, handling and stacking operations. The popularity of diesel forklift trucks is mainly due to their signature fork-shaped fork design, which enables them to flexibly handle goods of different weights and sizes. Whether in small factories or large warehouses, forklifts are able to fully utilize their handling capabilities to meet a variety of operational needs.
Diesel forklift trucks consist of cab, engine, transmission system and lifting parts, and the operator operates the forklift truck to move, lift and tilt through the console. The power source can choose internal combustion engine or electric motor to adapt to different working environments. So you know, what factors will affect the service life of a diesel forklift? Below I will list some of the factors that affect the service life of diesel forklifts.
Forklift quality issues
Diesel forklift is an indispensable equipment in the field of logistics, which needs to bear large loads in the operation. Quality problems in the production process will lead to frequent failures and wear and tear of the forklift in actual use, accelerating equipment obsolescence. Therefore, when purchasing diesel forklifts, users should prioritize the high-quality products produced by regular manufacturers to guarantee the durability and reliability of forklifts.
Improper maintenance
The service life of a diesel forklift is not only affected by quality and age, but also shortened by improper maintenance. Regular maintenance and servicing is essential to maintain the performance of the forklift. If users ignore the maintenance procedures or use poor quality maintenance materials, it will accelerate the wear and tear of the forklift, which may eventually lead to early scrapping of the forklift. Therefore, following proper maintenance guidelines and using qualified maintenance products are effective ways to extend the service life of forklifts.
So how can we make the forklift's life can be extended and used longer?LTMG Team has compiled some methods to give you a reference.
Rationalization of the use of forklifts
The impact of overloading on diesel forklifts is obvious; it not only increases the load on the forklift, but also puts additional stress on its structure and power system. This extra pressure will accelerate the wear and damage of the forklift, thus shortening its service life. Therefore, it is crucial to carry out cargo handling in strict accordance with the forklift's load capacity, which not only helps to protect the forklift's mechanical components, but also ensures its long-term efficient operation and safety.
Scheduled maintenance
Regular maintenance of diesel forklift trucks is vital: changing oil and oil filters to keep the engine clean and lubricated, checking coolant and fuel filters to ensure their normal operation. Regularly check the brake pads and brake disc wear, to ensure that the brake system is safe and effective. Regularly check the tire pressure and wear, maintain normal use of the state, and find problems in time to adjust or replace.
Proper storage of forklifts
In order to extend the life of diesel forklift, you need to avoid open-air storage to avoid corrosion damage to metal parts. Choose indoor or shaded storage. Clean the forklift regularly to remove dirt and oil stains and keep it tidy. At the same time, anti-rust treatment for metal parts to prevent rust and corrosion.
Specialized training for drivers
Ensure forklift operators are professionally trained and familiar with operation and maintenance. Enforcement of operation specification reduces breakdowns and damages and prolongs the service life of forklift trucks. Reasonable use, regular maintenance and repair, correct storage, as well as training and implementation of operating practices effectively reduce costs and risks to the business.
Generally speaking, a well-maintained diesel forklift truck can be used for 10,000-12,000 hours under normal working conditions, and can reach 2,000 hours if well-maintained on a daily basis, and can be used for about 10 years according to the length of 6-8 hours of use per day. However, the specific life expectancy may still be different due to the above factors. LTMG has been manufacturing forklifts for 23 years, with an average life expectancy of 10-15 years, choosing LTMG is choosing the guarantee of quality.